Sourcing the right commercial washing machines for care homes will require knowledge of infection control and how to plan an on-site laundry area, alongside information about the WRAS approval procedure. Liver Laundry Equipment provides the solutions to care home laundry managers looking for excellent performance from commercial washers and tumble dryers.
The three most important areas for consideration when selecting commercial washing machines for care homes are:
1. What features do commercial washing machines need to meet stringent guidelines on infection control?
2. How best to look after the washing machines to minimise risks from infection and save money at the same time?
3. Where to look for the best commercial washing machines and service plans?
According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) laundering contaminated linen should require a wash-based disinfection procedure to avoid any chances of cross infection. In these circumstances, effective laundry infection control in the care home sector requires on-site commercial washing machines that meet a range of criteria, including:
- Sluicing and thermal disinfection programmes that comply with NHS guidelines, where disinfection is carried out by use of the highest temperatures
- Washing machines that will hold the temperature at 65°C for at least ten minutes during the wash cycle, or at 71°C for no less than three minutes
- A sluice pre-wash cycle for all heavily soiled or infected materials
- Washing machines should be fitted by professionals and there should be covers over drainage pipes to prevent contamination
- Industrial tumble dryers should be used to dry all linen and clothing in care homes
- Regular service and maintenance schedules should be in place for all washing machines and tumble dryers in care homes
The Department of Health guidelines for the decontamination of linen for health and social care also provide a good deal more information about best practices to follow in the care home laundry area.
Liver Laundry Equipment have over 50 years’ experience supplying commercial laundry equipment to professional organisations, such as care homes. We can supply and maintain WRAS-approved washing machines, alongside commercial tumble dryers to suit any size of business. Contact us for further details.