These days nearly every company selling a product claims to be working towards a sustainable future, that they are green, that they are planet friendly. Often times, it’s merely giving lip service to helping the environment, when what they are all about is hoodwinking the consumer into spending more with them.
Or perhaps it’s political parties campaigning for the public vote – the manifestos of all the major parties at this year’s general election are all talking about a green transition, but will they deliver?
There are many well known companies out there doing great things who make trackable, public commitments – Patagonia, Schneider Electric, Sanofi, Moncler, Siemens, Mastercard are just a few. And then there are others who have embarked on that journey, determined to improve their practices.
Miele, the German appliance laundry manufacturer is one such company. They are real ‘green washers’. That’s one of the several reasons why we at Liver Laundry have a partnership with them. Miele’s appliances are not just ace, they are being designed with the planet in mind.
Transparent sustainability
Miele routinely publishes an impressive sustainability report, which details their commitment to a better ecological future. The latest update was in 2023 and in it they detail their responsibility for the climate, which includes supporting the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement of limiting global warming to 1.5°C by 2100 compared with pre-industrialisation levels.
At 83 per cent, their CO2 footprint is greatest during the usage phase and it is their intention to reduce these CO2 emissions by 15 percent by 2030 (compared with 2019), in terms of typical real-life use across all programmes and not just in their Eco programmes. To this end, they develop products and programmes which save water and energy and go to great lengths to support customers, for example with assistance programmes and apps. Further reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are being achieved by paying attention to the smallest possible CO2 footprint when purchasing their raw materials and primary products.
Using green electricity at their various productions locations in Germany, the Netherlands, China and Austria is designed to reduce both direct and indirect emissions. For the last year they have been installing a geothermal plant at their German headquarters. Meile’s stated objective in doing so is “to cut emissions by half at our production and sales locations worldwide by 2030 compared with 2019.”
They’ve also recognised that their road vehicles have an impact and therefore another goal is to reduce emissions by 30 per cent over the next six years. In each vehicle category, Miele offers employees at least one electric model as a company car.
Company-wide commitment
They also run international employee programmes. For example, in 2021 they promoted a Car-Free Day campaign In Germany where they donated a tree for each car journey to work and back saved. There were also international campaigns: employees from their Romanian plant together with their families planted 150 trees in a nearby park, while Miele staff in Canada contributed by supporting tree-planting and forestry measures for each dishwasher sold during their summer campaign period.
At the site of their Italian medical technology subsidiary SteelCo, as many as 25 employees grow their own fruit and vegetables.
But what has this to do with dishwashers and washing machines? It shows Miele’s commitment is more than just adding an Eco button to an appliance. It shows its commitment is being embedded in every aspect of the company’s operations from employee well-being to using green steel and in so doing is sustaining its business for years to come, as well as the planet’s future. And yes, it will help sell products. Customers are becoming more savvy in their spending commitments – wanting to buy sustainable products from responsible companies that give them most long-term value for the money in their pockets.
Better lives
So don’t be seduced be the claims of others without doing your homework. This is our planet, our future and you and it deserves the best. That’s why at Liver Laundry we support Miele’s mission and are proud to be part of the ‘chain’ – Miele – Liver Laundry – our customers – your customers. In their most recent sustainability report Miele states:
Our decisions impact the lives of those who use our products. Consequently, we wish to be an inspiration to our customers and encourage them to make positive changes of their own, to be more responsible consumers and to live better lives.”
For more information on Miele’s ‘better life’ products call us today.