Both types of washing machine have their uses. It all depends on the what you need your machine to accomplish. Commercial washing machines have much more cleaning power than their domestic counterparts. They can clean a higher volume of glassware or crockery in a shorter space of time. However, this cleaning power comes at a price which makes them unsuitable in some circumstances. They use a lot of energy in the cleaning process, so may not be able to be hooked up to a standard domestic plug. Bigger washing machines also use a larger amount of water. This means both input and output lines to the machine must be up to the task. Are commercial washing machines better than domestic ones? Read on to find out.
How Are Commercial Washing Machines Better?
Commercial washing machines will usually have a wider range of features and types of wash cycles. This makes them perfect for being able to wash a wider range of types of clothing and other items.
As we know different types of materials have different tolerances to the washing process. Having more options available gives you a greater chance of having a suitable cycle for those more unusual items. This is important in professional situations. You don’t want to be in a position to be turning customers away due to not being able to meet their needs.
When looking for a commercial washing machine. You will see that you have options to buy one with a capacity much greater than their domestic counterparts. You will find it a struggle to purchase a domestic machine with a capacity over 12kg. However, Liver Laundry offer a commercial machine with a capacity of 32kg.
If you prefer to wash large loads. Or, you have an amount of washing to do were multiple loads are always going to be necessary. Then the increased capacity of a commercial washing machine will be better for you.
Reliability & Durability
Commercial washing machines have excellent reliability & durability. The technology implemented inside these machines is at the cutting edge of performance in the industry. This means they can handle the workloads thrown at them. Multiple cycles in a row are not a problem for these machines. They have been stress tested to ensure performance is always at a consistently high standard.
When Might a Domestic Machine be a Better Choice?
As we have established the commercial machines might be the more powerful, higher performing machines. However, there are circumstances when a domestic machine will be the better choice.
One of the main reasons a domestic machine might be a better choice is simply the amount of space the appliance takes up. Especially if you are replacing an existing appliance, the space currently occupied might not be enough to fit a commercial machine.
Unless you are in need of the increased performance offered by a commercial washing machine. It will not be worth the time and expense needed to make space in, or rearrange, your kitchen or utility room.
Before you decide to purchase a commercial washing machine, you need to ensure you have the capacity to ensure it can be operational. A number of commercial appliances cannot be plugged into a standard socket. They need to be wired directly into the main supply. Also the fact that commercial machines use a greater volume of water needs to be taken into account.
Not only does the water supply to the machine need to be sufficient. But, the outlet pipe for the water needs to be able to cope when removing the waste water from the machine.
Finally, one of the most prohibitive factors is the cost of machines. Domestic washing machines are approximately 4 times cheaper than their commercial counterparts. Not only would a domestic machine be a better choice, due to budget constrictions, it might be the only choice you have!
Which Type of Machine Should You Choose?
If you need your washing machine in any type of commercial capacity. If there is an element of your business which is going to depend on the smooth running of a washing machine. Then if space and budget allows, you should be looking at a commercial washing machine.
However, Miele domestic washing machines are some of the highest performing and most reliable machines you can buy.